The Streams category is where you may find your 24×7 channels and Events. At this section you can create, edit and delete 24×7 channels and live events.
A 24×7 channel is, as a channel running 24 hours a day, 7 days per week for companies that need to deliver their content continuously as TV channels and broadcast networks.
An Event uses similar resources as a channel but is running on a schedule basis as a live music concert, a sports event, a mass, a webinar and any other event that is scheduled to have a start and end time and date.


Here you may access all of your existing streaming channels or create new ones. You can also delete running channels.
To create a new channel, simply click on the “+” sign at the lower right hand side of the page:

When creating a channel you will need to provide information about it as:

– Resolution
– Title
– Input

Choose the resolution for your stream. Depending on the subscription plan you have selected, you are provided the option to choose “SD”, “HD”, “FHD” and “UHD”

The resolutions are as defined in number of vertical pixels that your stream will deliver:

– SD – up to 480 vertical pixels (SD meaning Standard Definition)
– HD – up to 720 vertical pixels (HD meaning High Definition)
– FHD up to 1080 vertical pixels (FHD meaning Full High Definition commonly known as video aspect ratio with 1080p vertical pixels)
– UHD (4K) – up to 2160 vertical pixels (UDH meaning 4K resolution)

How you set these depends on the contribution device you use (your camera or encoder).

Next, enter a channel title which will be the name of your channel.

On the “Input Tab” you will need to choose the input type that corresponds with the type that your video capture device uses. A video recording device could be your personal computer (using the webcam), a smartphone with a recording app installed, a video camera with IP outputs, a conference solution like Zoom, Teams or others, and professional encoders that receives inputs from digital cameras and video switchers, and send an IP video stream to our platform.

The input type you choose will depend on the format being sent from your contribution device.
The meaning of each of these is as follows:

– RTMP – Real Time Messaging Protocol
– RTP – Real Time Transfer Protocol
– HLS – HTTP Live Streaming
– RIST – Reliable Internet Stream Transport
– ZIXI – A form of RIST, proprietary protocol.

Once these tabs are complete, click “Add” . Once the status has changed from WAITING to CREATED, you will see an endpoint button, that shows below: The amount of time that this takes is dependent on the margins you have set in the Settings section (see the Settings section below).

You will notice 2 new buttons that have appeared on the screen:

The first one, the endpoint will provide the endpoint that you need for your content to configure in your target applications. By clicking on the endpoint, you will be able to see the credentials and IP address which you can copy from your clipboard, and paste it into your remote device.

The format will be as follows:

rtmp://[the broadcast IP address]/[your-domain]/[stream key]

In the settings for your device, you will paste this in. Note that the “stream key” should be removed from the end of the string above, and pasted into the “stream key” field on your broadcasting device.

This will enable NBM to broadcast your video simultaneously.

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